About Us

Our Vision
To do God’s work in a way that will honor Him only and serve to build His Kingdom.
Our Mission
To proclaim and teach the Holy Bible as the infallible and inerrant Word of God.
Our Purpose
To practice the purposes established for the church in the New Testament. These include:
  • Worship – an experience of God’s holiness, majesty and sovereignty.
  • Fellowship – unity, harmony and love for one another.
  • Discipleship – learning to apply the teachings of Christ to our lives.
  • Evangelism – telling people the good news of God’s forgiveness of sin and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
  • Ministry – showing others the love of God by meeting their needs.
The Havana Southern Baptist Church is a warm and welcoming group of people with a love and concern for the people of the community.
We invite you to attend any or all of our services at any time. If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact the church at (309) 543-6164.
  •  The MISSION of the Havana Southern Baptist Church is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost and make disciples.
  • The VISION of the Havana Southern Baptist Church is to bless people of all ages through the discipleship, fellowship, ministry, missions and worship.